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The CDEA categories may change from year to year, so please review the below category definitions carefully.




City Planning or District Planning  | 城市规划或行政区规划

  • Eligible projects include those with new construction and/or renovation/additions to existing buildings. 符合条件的项目包括新建和/或翻新/对现有建筑物加建。
  • Eligible submissions must be multiple-city blocks, district-wide or city-wide planning projects exceeding 1 square kilometer in size. 符合条件的提交必须是面积超过1平方公里的多个城市街区、行政区范围或城市范围的规划项目。
  • There is no minimum criteria on program types within the master plan area. 总体规划范畴的项目功能类型没有最低标准。
  • Note: Projects that are not yet built are eligible. If the project will never be built, it must be submitted under the Unbuilt Category. 备注:尚未建成的项目符合条件。如果项目永不会建成,则应以未建成类别提交。


Architecture – Commercial/Mixed-Use  | 建筑 – 商业/综合体

  • Eligible projects include those with new construction and/or renovation/additions to existing buildings. 符合条件的项目包括新建和/或翻新/对现有建筑物加建。
  • Eligible submissions are independent, building projects comprising of no more than a small cluster of buildings (approximately 3-5 buildings). 符合条件的提交必须是独立的,由不超过一个小型建筑集群(大约3-5座建筑物)组成。
  • Scope does not require but can include Interior Design scope. 范围不限,但可以包括室内设计范围。
  • Project must include majority the program to include office, retail, or hospitality program. 项目必须大部分功能为办公、零售或酒店。
  • Note: Hospitality resort properties are eligible under this category. 备注:酒店度假村符合此类别的条件。


Architecture – Healthcare/Institutional/Civic  |  建筑 – 医疗保健/机构/市民公共

  • Eligible projects include those with new construction and/or renovation/additions to existing buildings. 符合条件的项目包括新建和/或翻新/对现有建筑物加建。
  • Eligible submissions are independent, building projects comprising of no more than a small cluster of buildings (approximately 3-5 buildings).  符合条件的提交必须是独立的,由不超过一个小型建筑集群(大约3-5座建筑物)组成。
  • Scope does not require but can include Interior Design scope. 范围不限,但可以包括室内设计范围。
  • Note: Project must include majority the program to include healthcare, senior living, or medical-oriented research program. 备注:项目必须包括该项目的大部分程序,其中包括医疗保健、养老居住或以医学为主得研究功能。
  • Note: Entire campus of buildings is eligible under the Campus Architecture and Master Planning category.  备注:整个校园建筑符合校园建筑和总体规划类别的条件。


Architecture – Academic  | 建筑 – 校园 

  • Eligible projects include those with new construction and/or renovation/additions to existing buildings. 符合条件的项目包括新建和/或翻新/对现有建筑物加建。
  • Eligible submissions are independent, building projects comprising of no more than a small cluster of buildings (approximately 1-3 buildings).  符合条件的提交是独立的建筑项目,由不超过一个小型建筑集群(大约3-5座建筑物)组成。
  • Scope does not require but can include Interior Design scope. 范围不限,但可以包括室内设计范围。
  • Project must include majority the program to include K-12, higher education (university) or other institutions of learning program. 项目必须大部分功能为K-12、高等教育(大学)或其他学习机构。
  • Note: Entire campus of buildings is eligible under the Campus Architecture and Master Planning category.备注:整个校园建筑符合校园建筑和总体规划类别的条件。


Architecture – Residential  | 建筑 - 住宅

  • Eligible projects include those with new construction and/or renovation/additions to existing buildings.  符合条件的项目包括新建和/或翻新/增加现有建筑的项目。
  • Eligible submissions are independent, building projects comprising of no more than one compound property of residential buildings. 符合条件的提交是独立的建筑项目,包括复合物业(不超过一个小区)。
  • Scope does not require but can include Interior Design scope. a.    范围不限定但可以包括室内设计范围。
  • Project must include majority the program to include buildings containing housing, apartment, condominiums, town houses, or villa program. 项目必须大部分功能为住宅、公寓、联排别墅或独栋别墅。
  • Note: Hospitality, hotels, and resorts are not eligible under this category. 酒店和度假村不符合此类别的条件。


Architecture - Campus and Master Planning  | 建筑 – 校园和总体规划

  • Eligible projects include those with new construction and/or renovation/additions to existing buildings. 符合条件的项目包括新建和/或翻新/对现有建筑物加建。
  • Eligible submissions must include a whole site which is dedicated to a specific operations entity whether it be Commercial, Academic, or Healthcare. 符合条件的提交必须整个场地由特定的运营机构运营,可以是商业、校园或医疗保健。
  • There are no minimum criteria on program types within the master plan area.  总体规划范畴的项目功能类型没有最低标准。
  • Note: Projects in this category must be built or in the process of being executed (i.e. phased construction).  备注:此类项目必须在建或正在实施(即分期建设)。


Adaptive Re-Use/Regeneration/Hist Preservation – Urban Design  | 适应性再利用/改造/历史保护 - 城市设计

  • This category is exclusively intended for projects where integration with existing buildings is a central focus of the project.  此类别仅接受以现状建筑为核心的整合项目。
  • The amount of re-used, regenerated existing buildings must be at least 1/4 of the total site area. 再利用、改造现有建筑的数量必须至少为总场地面积的1/4.
  • There are no year requirements related to historic preserved projects; however, the existing projects must be officially recognized with government-registered historic designation. 历史保护项目没有年份要求; 但是,现有项目必须有政府注册历史名称的官方认证。
  • The range in project size for this category is above one square kilometer.  该类别的项目规模范围应超过一平方公里。
  • There are no minimum criteria on program types within the master plan area. 总体规划范畴的项目功能类型没有最低标准。
  • Note: Projects that are not yet built are eligible. If the project will never be built, it must be submitted under the Unbuilt Category. 备注:尚未建成的项目符合条件。如果项目永不会建成,则必须在建成类别下提交。


Adaptive Re-Use/Regeneration/Hist Preservation – Architecture  | 自适应重用/再生/历史保存 – 建筑

  • This category is exclusively intended for projects where integration with existing buildings is a central focus of the project. 此类别仅接受以现状建筑为核心的整合项目。
  • The amount of re-used, regenerated existing buildings must be at least 1/4 of the total site area.  再利用、改造现有建筑的数量必须至少为总场地面积的 1/4。
  • There are no year requirements related to historic preserved projects; however, the existing projects must be officially recognized with government-registered historic designation. 历史保护项目没有年份要求;但是,现有项目必须获得政府注册历史名称的官方认可。
  • The range in project size for this category is below one square kilometer. 该类别的项目规模范围小于一平方公里。
  • Projects that consist of one or few buildings, or a whole campus or district, are eligible.  符合条件的项目有:由一栋或几栋建筑或整个园区或行政区块组成。
  • There are no minimum criteria on program types within the master plan area.  总体规划范畴的项目功能类型没有最低标准。
  • Note: Projects in this category must be built  注意:类别的项目必须是已建成的


Interior Architecture – Work  | 室内建筑 – 工作

  • This category is exclusively for interiors projects only. No projects including exterior architecture work is eligible. 此类别仅适用于室内项目,有外部建筑工作的项目均不符合条件。
  • Eligible projects include those related to office, headquarters, retail malls, retail centers, retail flag ship stores, showrooms, hospitality, and private clubs.符合条件的项目包括与办公、总部、零售购物中心、零售中心、零售旗舰店、陈列室、酒店和私人俱乐部相关项目。
  • Projects in which over half of the work is Interior Decoration (primarily application of color and materials) and specifying furniture and other non-permanently installed products are not eligible. 不符合资格的项目:项目工作超过一半的工作是室内装饰(主要是颜色和材料的应用)和指定家具和其他非永久性安装产品。
  • Note: Projects less than 5,000 square meters must be submitted under the appropriate Small Projects categories. 注意:小于 5,000 平方米的项目需在相应的小型项目类别下提交。


Interior Architecture – Community  | 室内建筑 – 社区  

  • This category is exclusively for interiors projects only. No projects including exterior architecture work is eligible.  此类别仅适用于室内项目,有外部建筑工作的项目均不符合条件。
  • Eligible projects include those related to civic, institutional, cultural, academic, and public realm. 符合条件的项目包括与市民公共、机构、文化、校园和公共空间相关的项目。
  • Projects in which over half of the work is Interior Decoration (primarily application of color and materials) and specifying furniture and other non-permanently installed products are not eligible.  超过一半的工作是室内装饰(主要是颜色和材料的应用)和指定家具和其他非永久性安装产品的项目不符合资格。
  • Note: Projects less than 5,000 square meters must be submitted under the appropriate Small Projects categories.  注意:小于 5,000 平方米的项目必须在相应的小型项目类别下提交。


Interior Architecture – Lifestyle  | 室内建筑 – 生活方式

  • This category is exclusively for interiors projects only. No projects including exterior architecture work is eligible.  此类别仅适用于室内项目,有外部建筑工作的项目均不符合条件。
  • Eligible projects include those related to residential, residential showrooms, community centers.  符合条件的项目包括与住宅、住宅样板间、社区中心相关的项目。
  • Projects in which over half of the work is Interior Decoration (primarily application of color and materials) and specifying furniture and other non-permanently installed products are not eligible. 超过一半的工作是室内装饰(主要是颜色和材料的应用)和指定家具和其他非永久性安装产品的项目不符合资格。
  • Note: Projects less than 5,000 square meters must be submitted under the appropriate Small Projects categories. 注意:小于 5,000 平方米的项目必须在相应的小型项目类别下提交。


Small Projects – Architecture  | 小型项目 – 建筑

  • Project area must not exceed 5,000 square meters in total area. 项目总面积不得超过5000平方米。
  • Eligible projects include those with new construction and/or renovation/additions to existing interior spaces. 符合条件的项目包括新建和/或翻新/对现有室内空间加建的项目。
  • Eligible submissions are focused on exterior architecture work only but can include interior design. 符合条件的提交仅侧重于外部建筑工作,但可以包括室内设计。
  • There are no specific requirements or limitations on program types. 对功能类型没有特定要求或限制。


Small Projects – Interior Architecture  | 小型项目 – 室内建筑

  • Project area must not exceed 5,000 square meters in total area. 项目总面积不得超过5000平方米。
  • Eligible projects include those with new construction and/or renovation/additions to existing interior spaces. 符合条件的项目包括新建和/或翻新/对现有室内空间加建的项目。
  • Eligible submissions can only include interior architecture and spaces. 符合条件的提交只能包括室内建筑和空间。
  • Projects in which over half of the work is Interior Decoration (primarily application of color and materials) and specifying furniture and other non-permanently installed products are not eligible. 超过一半的工作是室内装饰(主要是颜色和材料的应用)和指定家具和其他非永久安装产品的项目不符合资格。
  • There are no specific requirements or limitations on program types. 对功能类型没有特定要求或限制。


Unbuilt  | 未建成项目

  • The category is intended for contracted projects that commenced but were discontinued or abandoned during the process; and will not be realized.  该类别适用于已开始但在此过程中中止或放弃的合同项目;并且不会实现。
  • Projects that were stopped and may still be built are not eligible. 已停止但仍可能在建的项目不符合条件。
  • Projects that stopped during the construction process are not eligible. 在施工过程中停止的项目不符合资格。
  • Project work that are unused design schemes from contracted project work are eligible. 合同项目工作中未使用的设计方案的项目工作是合格的。
  • Projects that are the result of unsuccessful tender pre-qualifications or other tender project pursuits are eligible. 因投标资格预审或其他投标未中标的项目符合资格。
  • Theoretical, heuristic, or internal company research projects are not eligible. 理论、启发式或公司内部研究项目不符合资格。
  • Student projects or work that are the result of academic degree programs, summer study programs, student design clinics, any academic program, or other non-professional work or research in any form are not eligible. 学术学位课程、暑期学习课程、学生设计诊所、任何学术课程或其他非专业工作或任何形式的研究结果的学生项目或工作均不符合资格。
  • There are no specific requirements or limitations on program types. 对功能类型没有特定要求或限制。