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The 2022 CDEA(China Design Excellence Awards)program will accept all projects located anywhere within Mainland China from AIA, Associate, and International Associate members, as well as from Non-members, corresponding to respective entry fees.


2022 Application Fee*: 


AIA Members - Shanghai Chapter: 2850 RMB

AIA Members - Other Chapters: 3150 RMB

Community Partners(ASSC,RIBA,ULI): 3150 RMB

Non-members**: 6000 RMB 


*Early Bird: All applicants who submit before September 15th will receive a 550RMB discount on their submission.

**Entrants who prove membership to AIA Shanghai before the submission’s deadline will be eligible for a refund on the difference in Fee.


Eligibility and Conditions:



  1. The CDEA Team reserves the right to determine application of all rules and eligibility of all submissions at any time, even after an award may be given. CDEA委员会有权随时确认规则的应用和所有提交的参赛资格,即使在授予奖项后也是如此。
  2. Submission material must all be anonymous, in text, titles, captions, firm logos, allusions or references to your firm or contributing project team are not allowed whatsoever. Disclosing authorship on any judging material, intentional or not, is subject to disqualification. 提交內容必须保持匿名,  不得使用文本、说明文字、公司徽标、暗示或提及公司或项目团队。如在评审材料中有出现作者名称,有意与否,均会被取消资格。
  3. The primary language for the CDEA award submissions is English.CDEA奖项提交的主要语言英语
    1. Submissions may also include other languages so long as the predominant text has English translation that allows judges to fully understand your project.  提交作品可包括其他语言,主要文本必需有英文翻译,以便评审团完全理解您的项目。
    2. If there is any conflict in the text translation, the English text shall prevail. 文本翻译如有出入,以英文文本为准。
  4. The CDEA program does not require AIA membership to be eligible to submit a project.   CDEA奖项不要求参赛者必须具备美国建筑师协会(AIA)会员资格。
  5. Some membership of affiliate professional organizations is entitled to submission fee discounts based on their organization’s relationship with the American Institute of Architects, specifically the Shanghai Chapter.   美国建筑师协会上海分会的指定合作机构和专业组织的会员可享报名费优惠。
    1. Any persons or companies submitting under one of these eligible memberships must be a member in good standing. This means current year membership dues paid and without any violations or disciplinary action in progress at the time of the award submission deadline.   根据本条优惠政策报名的个人或公司必须为信誉良好的会员。在报名提交截止日期前支付个人或公司当年的会员会费,且没有任何违规违纪。
    2. Membership verifications will be strictly verified upon submission. 将在提交时进行严格的会员资格验证。
    3. Qualified for 2022 CDEA are the following   符合2022年CDEA优惠政策的机构如下:
      1. AIA Shanghai 美国建筑师协会上海分会
      2. AIA (other chapters) 美国建筑师协会其它分会
      3. ASSC 上海市建筑学会
      4. RIBA 英国皇家建筑师协会
      5. ULI 城市土地学会
    4. Discount-eligible AIA membership tiers include licensed AIA members or International AIA Associate members. Associate AIA and AIA Student (AIAS), and AIA Affiliate membership tiers are not eligible for the AIA discount.   符合优惠政策的美国建筑师协会(AIA)会员包括美国建筑师协会认证会员(AIA)或国际准会员 (International Associate AIA)。AIA准会员 (Associate AIA)和学生会员(AIAS)以及附属会员 (Affiliate AIA) 均不享有优惠。
    5. If a membership is determined to be invalid or membership number submitted with errors or submitted with an intentionally false number is subject to disqualification. 如果会员资格被确定为无效, 或会员号提交错误或故意提交虚假编号,将取消资格。
  6. Projects must be the result of professionally contracted project work, or in the pursuit of contracted work, with the intention of being executed.   项目必须已订立或即将订立专业合同,有实施的倾向。
  7. Projects (contracted or not) done by unpaid students or principally by students either as interns or in a co-op program are not eligible.   由无偿学生或主要由实习生或合作项目中的学生完成的项目(无论是否订立合同)均不符合资格。
  8. Projects are not eligible if they have previously won any award by the AIA Shanghai award program or an award by any other AIA Chapter. This includes any award won by AIA International, formerly called AIA International Region.   曾获得美国建筑师协会上海分会或其他分会奖项的项目,均不符合资格。这包括国际美国建筑师协会(前称为美国建筑师协会国际区域)授予的任何奖项。
  9. Projects that have won an AIA National or AIA Regional award are eligible for submission in AIA Shanghai CDEA program.   获得美国建筑师协会国家或区域奖项的项目,符合美国建筑师协会上海分会CDEA提交资格。
  10. Projects must be in China. This shall be characterized as being within the contiguous geographic boundary of the connected land mass known as China.  项目必须位于中国,包括由同一个大陆板块连接的被称为中国的毗邻地理边界。
  11. Projects must be built or been completed after August 15, 2017; this is a seven (7) year eligibility timeframe. Each year of the CDEA program, the award eligibility timeframe may be different from year to year.   项目必须在2017年8月15日之后建成或竣工;符合七年资格期限。CDEA每年授予资格的时间框架可能会有所不同。
  12. Submitting person must be either the team leader or a senior person in the firm who was involved with the project. All team members should be listed completely, noting their project roles, including the submitting person.  提交人必须是团队负责人或参与该项目的公司的资深员工。提交内容应完整列出所有团队成员,并注明各自在项目里担任的角色,包括提交人。
  13. The submitting firm must be either the primary author person/firm, or a significant contributor to the project, such as a specialty consulting, contractor, or client.  2  提交公司必须是主要作者个人/公司,或项目的重要合作者,例如专业顾问、承包商或业主。
    1. When one Architecture firm is not the sole author of the design, all other contributing design firms must be given credit as part of the submission. 当一家建筑公司不是该设计的唯一作者时,其他参与设计的设计公司必须反应在提交作品上。
    2. This includes but is not limited to Design Architect, Associate Architects, Architect-of-Record, Design Institute, Landscape Architect/Designer, Interior Architect/Designer, Project Management Company, etc.  包括但不限于设计建筑师、执行建筑师、施工图单位、设计院、景观建筑师/设计师、室内建筑师/设计师、项目管理公司等。
  14. Submissions must include all collaborating or consulting firms and companies that were included in the project.   提交的内容应包括项目中的所有合作或咨询公司和项目相关公司。
    1. This includes all design firms, including architects, landscape architects, lighting designers, signage designers. 这包括所有设计公司,包括建筑师、景观设计师、照明设计师、标牌设计师。
    2. This also includes other specialty consultants including but not limited to quantity surveyor, civil/geotechnical, structural and MEP engineering, sustainability, vertical transportation, fire safety, façade, building maintenance, A/V, kitchen facility, security and hardware, water system, and geotechnical. 还包括其他专业顾问,包括但不限于造价师、土木/地质工程师、结构工程师、机电设备给排水工程师、可持续性设计、垂直交通、消防安全、外墙、建筑维护、A/V、厨房设施、安全和硬件、和水系统。
  15. Submissions that are built must also include the contractor company(-ies), if any. 建成项目的提交內容必须包括承包商。
  16. Projects that are submitted multiples times, for the same category, by different project team firms of a project will only be allowed to be entered into judged once. Multiple entries for the same project are not entitled to submission fee refund at any time. Affiliated firms submitting hold the responsibility to coordinate with all project collaborators prior to submitting. 如同一项目重复提交,   或由不同公司多次提交,我们只接受一个提交,并以接受的提交项目做评判。同个项目多次提交,提交者无权申请退款。提交的附属公司有责任在提交前与所有项目合作者进行协调沟通。 
  17. Projects are permitted to be submitted to more than one category.  项目允许提交多个类别。
    1. Entries must demonstrate it meets the requirement of each respective category submitted. 参赛作品必须证明其符合提交的每个相应类别的要求。
    2. A separate submission fee is to be required for each different, submitted category.  每个不同的提交类别都需支付单独的提交费用。
  18. Any project that is determined to be in violation of any of the rules, eligibility deliverable requirements literally, or counter to the spirit and intent of these provisions is subject to disqualification. 任何被确定违反规则、交件资格要求或违反这些规定的精神和意图的项目,将被取消资格。
    1. Any project in violation of any provisions after it was recognized with a CDEA award may have the award revoked. 任何项目在获得CDEA奖项后发现违反规定的,本委员会可以撤销该奖项。
    2. The revocation of the award is subject to public announcement, at the discretion of the CDEA Team.CDEA委员会撤销奖项,可自行决定是否予以公告。
  19. AIA Code of Conduct 美国建筑师协会行为准则
    1. AIA members are dedicated to the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and competence. The AIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (Code) guides members’ conduct in fulfilling those obligations. The Code applies to the professional activities of all AIA members, regardless of their membership category. 美国建筑师协会成员致力于履行最高标准的专业精神、诚信和能力。美国建筑师协会道德和专业行为准则是用来指导会员履行责任,适用于所有美国建筑师协会会员的专业活动,无论会员类别。
    2. AIA Code of Conduct 美国建筑师协会行为准则的PDF文档可在官网下载 :   https://content.aia.org/sites/default/files/2020-12/2020_Code_of_Ethics.pdf
    3. For the basis of defining a baseline of professional conduct for the CDEA program, the AIA Code of Conduct applies to submitters regardless of AIA affiliation. Specifically, regarding the following statutes 作为CDEA定义职业行为基线的基础,AIA行为准则则适用于项目提交者,无论与AIA的关系如何。具体而言,请参考以下法规: 
      1. E.S. 2.4  Environmental Equity and Justice: Members should promote fairness and safety in providing professional services and make reasonable efforts to advise their clients and employers of their obligations to the environment, including: access to clean air, water, sunlight and energy for all; sustainable production, extraction, transportation and consumption practices; a built environment that equitably supports human health and well-being and is resistant to climate change; and restoring degraded or depleted natural resources.  


      2. E.S. 5.3.  Professional Recognition: Members should build their professional reputation on the merits of their own service and performance and should recognize and give credit to others for the professional work they have performed. 专业认可:会员应在自己的服务和表现上建立自己的专业声誉,并认可及赞扬他人所做的专业工作。
      3. Rule 5.3.1.  Members shall recognize and 5.301 respect the professional contributions of their employees, employers, professional colleagues, and business associates. 会员应承认并 尊重其雇员、雇主、专业同事和商业伙伴的专业贡献。
  20. At no time are submitting individuals and firms allowed to contact or communicate with any of the Expert Review Committee or Jury related to the CDEA program, their entries, their scoring therein in such a way, intended or not, to influence the scoring.  提交的个人和公司不得与CDEA专家评审委员会和评审团联系或沟通其参赛作品、评分,借以影响评分结果。
    1. The CDEA Adjudication Team will be reviewing all scoring at each step in the adjudication process. CDEA评审团队将在评审过程的每个步骤中审查所有评分。
    2. The CDEA Adjudication Team reserves the right to remove and scoring that demonstrates inconsistent application of scoring principles or any bias, intended or not. 当评分出现不一致或偏见时,CDEA评审团队有保留删除和评分的权利,无论有意或无意。
  21. The CDEA Team reserves the right to any and all interpretation in compliance or violation of the CDEA program rules, eligibility, and deliverables (provisions).  CDEA委员会保留对符合或违反CDEA规则、资格和可交付成果(规定)的任何解释的权利。
    1. If there exist any contradiction, conflicting, or errors in these provisions, CDEA Team will reconcile and clarify in a timely manner.如果这些条款有任何矛盾、冲突或错误,CDEA团队将及时进行协调和澄清。
    2. Evaluation and determination of any outcome related to the CDEA program, submitting individual and firms, submitted entries is solely at the discretion of the CDEA Team. 与CDEA所做的评估和确定相关的任何结果、提交个人和公司、提交的参赛作品,完全由CDEA委员会自行决定。
    3. The CDEA Team reserves the right to update, improve, clarify, and/or change these provisions at any time prior, during, or after the program commences. If such changes occur, all reasonable means will be made to inform the community via the program website, as well as direct notification to submitters that register with the CDEA program online platform. CDEA委员会有权保留在奖项计划开始之前、期间或之后的任何时间更新、改进、澄清和/或更改这些规定的权利。
    4. While the CDEA Team will responsibly and reasonably manage all aspects of the program, it’s determinations shall be considered final.  虽然CDEA委员会将有责任且合理地管理该奖项计划的各方面,但其决定应被视为最终决定(不得任意更改)。
  22. The CDEA Team, the Expert Review Committee, and the Jury reserve the right to recognize projects with awards based on their merit. It is possible that no projects meet the high criteria as defined by the three award tiers. CDEA团队、专家评审委员会和评审团有权保留根据项目优点对项目进行表彰的权利。可能没有项目符合三个奖励等级定义的高标准。
    1. Honor | 荣誉奖
      1. Highest recognition of achievement.   最高级别奖项。
      2. Projects meets significantly on ALL evaluation criteria.  项目完全符合所有评估标准。
    2. Merit | 优秀奖
      1. Substantial recognition of achievement. 成就获得实质认可。
      2. Projects meets significantly on NEARLY ALL evaluation criteria. 项目符合近乎所有评估标准。
    3. Citation | 优胜奖
      1. Admirable recognition of achievement. 取得令人钦佩的成就。
      2. Projects meets significantly on MOST evaluation criteria. 项目符合绝大部分 评估标准。